cover image: North Pacific Research Board Statement of Organization, Practices, and Procedures - (Originally approved in October 2002; revised through September 2020


North Pacific Research Board Statement of Organization, Practices, and Procedures - (Originally approved in October 2002; revised through September 2020

8 Dec 2020

The Board and the executive committee will meet at the call of the Chair or upon request of a majority of the executive committee. [...] In addition to the periodic memoranda of understanding the Board signs with federal agencies to fund research by federal scientists, the Board is party to the following extant interagency agreements which are kept on file at the Board office: (1) A memorandum of understanding signed in 2001 by NOAA, the Alaska SeaLife Center and the Board concerning the establishment of the North Pacific Marine Re. [...] Administrative Provisions The Panel shall meet as a whole, or in part, at the request of the Chairman of the Panel, with the approval of the Chairman of the Board, as often as necessary to fulfill the Panel’s responsibilities, taking into consideration time and budget constraints. [...] Meetings The Advisory Panel shall meet as a whole, or in part, at the request of the Chairman of the Panel, with the approval of the Chairman of the Board, as often as necessary to fulfill the Advisory Panel’s responsibilities, taking into consideration time and budget constraints. [...] If the issue cannot be resolved, the NPRB Executive Director will review the situation and notify the subrecipient, normally through the grants manager, in writing of the circumstances, the nature of the problem, citing the specific deficiency, and the status and outcomes of direct negotiation with the principal investigators to date.



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United States of America