cover image: NORTH PACIFIC RESEARCH BOARD 2017-2018 Biennial Report


NORTH PACIFIC RESEARCH BOARD 2017-2018 Biennial Report

19 Feb 2019

Through these efforts, NPRB has advanced ment of research priorities, the convening of the Alaska Marine Science Symposium, the integrated science, extended and shared new insights and knowledge, and supported the develop- development of the Lowell Wakefield Symposium on Cooperative Research with Industry, and ment and application of new technologies, methodologies, models, and approaches in analy. [...] Initiated and sector-specific questions and to informed management of fisheries and other marine in the Bering Sea, continued in the Gulf of Alaska, and now active in the Arctic, this program resources. [...] • In and out of bays: connecting inshore areas to the open waters of the Gulf of Alaska; Results from the Gulf of Alaska IERP are providing insights into the physical • Trophic structuring in the Gulf of Alaska: the role of salmon as processes and biological interactions that structure the Gulf of Alaska marine predators and competitors; and ecosystem, how these processes vary in space and time, a. [...] In The Arctic IERP seeks to better understand the mechanisms and processes that structure 2013, the Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS), administered by NPRB and the ecosystem and influence the distribution, life history, and interactions of biological funded using $1.45 million provided by Shell and ConocoPhillips, conducted meetings communities in the northern Bering and Chukchi S. [...] funded the Arctic IERP in the amount of $3.2 million and supported wrap-up of the Bering Sea IERP and the synthesis phase of the Gulf of Alaska IERP.
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United States of America