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Create the Life you can’t wait to live!

10 Nov 2020

Create the Life you can’t wait to live! Presenter Presentation Notes Some of you in this room are trying to decide what path do I want to take in life. [...] Do I want to get a job straight out of high school, do I want to get a license/certification? Do I want to go to the military or do a I want a 2yr/4 yr degree. [...] And you also feel this is going to be the hardest decision you make but the reality of it is this will be one of the easiest steps in your journey of life. [...] Find your Why! What do you like to do? What is it that you like about it? How can you make that a career? What is the difference between a career and a job? Presenter Presentation Notes A job is something you do simply to earn money; a career is a series of connected employment opportunities that offers networking opportunities. [...] Where do you want to live? Are those positions available in that location? If not are you willing to move to where they are located? Or should you change your focus career wise? If you know someone in the field you would like to work in see if you can job shadow them one day.
Published in
United States of America
