cover image: Refugees and Humanitarian Aid : The Rohingya Impact on Bangladesh's Development (English)


Refugees and Humanitarian Aid : The Rohingya Impact on Bangladesh's Development (English)

5 Sep 2024

This study enhances the policy debate by examining the broad socioeconomic impacts of hosting displaced Rohingya population on their surrounding communities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. While prior research has touched on this topic by investigating the effects of camps on specific outcomes, this study stands out as it delves into an assessment of the comprehensive socioeconomic effects of refugee camps in nearby communities within a context where forcibly displaced populations are confined to camps. Consequently, these forcibly displaced individuals rely entirely on humanitarian aid. This focus provides a unique perspective on the dynamics between refugee camps, humanitarian aid, and host communities.
bangladesh migrant workers post-conflict reconstruction social assistance social cohesion social development fragility forced displacement refugee resettlement jobs strategies social protection and labor conflict and violence peace operations and conflict management types of beneficiaries refugee support jobs diagnostics population displacement population resettlement refugee workers migration policies and jobs categories of workers


Etang Ndip,Alvin, Rozo Villarraga,Sandra Viviana, Urbina, María José, Wieser,Christina

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Refugees and Humanitarian Aid : The Rohingya Impact on Bangladesh's Development
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Research Brief;
Unit Owning
Prosperity-PovertyandEquity-GD (EPVDR)
Version Type
Volume No

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