highlighting inequalities, the realities of digital exclusion are better understood as a spectrum - where digital access (devices, data connectivity), accessibility, skills, Recommendation 3: Commit to building confidence, motivation and availability of patient and citizen trust and acceptance support all combine to shape how people use in the use of health data to improve the internet, and the ba. [...] Health inequalities and mitigating risks of digital exclusion (2nd Edition) 9 Independence, choice and control • E vidence shows growing use of ‘proxies’ • As long as people have the tools, skills and to access digital services and do online support in place - then digital health and transactions (e.g. [...] - Access a free device and data • Map local provision of settings which help connectivity to support them people to access digital services, and - Get help to build digital skills and understand local needs for support confidence generally, as well as to - U se this to inform strategic access health and wellbeing support commissioning and fund or part-fund specifically digital inclusion as part of. [...] • L iving on a low or very low income, and ‘financial vulnerability’ are among the Looked after and accommodated strongest predictors of digital exclusion children and young people across all ages (both non-use of the • Evidence of lower digital access and internet, and also using the internet but skills among children and young people only for a very few things) in the looked after system and you. [...] vary in how trusted or welcoming they are, and their provision of digital access • S ome deprived areas may experience and WiFi for service users worse signals and lower speed - which could relate to quality of mobile and - Lack of private space to enable broadband infrastructure, types of housing confidential use of digital health services provision (including social and private • Smartphones are.
- Pages
- 39
- Published in
- Australia
Table of Contents
- Section 1 About this guide 2
- 1.1 Context Why this guide 4 2
- 1.2 Who this guide is for and how to use it 6 2
- 1.3 Methodology 6 2
- 1.4 Structure 7 2
- Section 2 Common barriers 2
- 2.1 Introduction 8 2
- 2.2 Digital barriers - areas to 2
- Section 3 Potential 2
- 3.1 Introduction 11 2
- 3.2 Potential mitigations or solutions 2
- 3.3 Overview of potential mitigations 2
- 3.4 Potential mitigations to 2
- Section 4 Specific groups - 2
- 4.1 Protected characteristics 20 2
- 4.2 Additional areas to consider for 2
- Contents 2
- Section 5 Useful research 3
- Resources on digital exclusion 3
- Resources relevant to protected 3
- Resources relevant to other groups at 3
- Resources relevant to 3
- About Good Things 3
- Foundation 3
- 1.0 Introduction to the May 4
- 2024 edition 4
- Section 1 About this guide 4
- 1.1 Context Why this guide 5
- Recommendation 1 5
- Recommendation 2 5
- Recommendation 3 5
- 2.4m households 6
- 3.7 million households 6
- 8.5 million adults 6
- 25 of adults 6
- 37 of adults 6
- 1.2 Who this guide is for 7
- 1.3 Methodology 7
- 1.4 Structure 8
- 2.1 Introduction 9
- 2.2 Digital barriers - areas to 9
- Access 9
- Skills and confidence 9
- Section 2 Common barriers across groups 9
- Motivation 10
- Trust 10
- Space physical 10
- Support social and specialist 10
- Independence choice and control 11
- 3.1 Introduction 12
- Section 3 Potential mitigations or solutions 12
- 3.2 Potential mitigations or 13
- 3.3 Overview of potential 14
- System level or strategic commissioning roles 14
- Service implementation or delivery 15
- Workforce development or management 15
- Service design or user research 16
- 3.4 Potential mitigations to 17
- Mitigating Digital Access Barriers 17
- Design solutions 17
- Delivery solutions 17
- Mitigating Digital Skills and Confidence Barriers 17
- Design solutions 17
- Delivery solutions 18
- Mitigating Motivation Barriers 18
- Design solutions 18
- Delivery solutions 18
- Mitigating Trust Barriers 19
- Design solutions 19
- Delivery solutions 19
- Mitigating Physical Space Barriers 19
- Design solutions 19
- Delivery solutions 19
- Mitigating Support Barriers Social Specialist to Using Digital Services 20
- Design solutions 20
- Delivery solutions 20
- Section 4 Specific groups 21
- - additional and priority areas 21
- 4.1 Protected characteristics 21
- Age - older people 21
- Age - mid-life 21
- Age - children and young people 22
- Disability - physical impairment learning disability sensory impairment 22
- Disability - mental health conditions long-term conditions 22
- Gender reassignment 22
- Marriage and civil partnership 22
- Pregnancy and maternity 23
- Race and ethnicity 23
- Religion and belief 24
- Sex 24
- Sexual orientation 24
- 4.2 Additional areas to consider for other groups at greater risk of health inequalities 25
- Looked after and accommodated children and young people 25
- Carers unpaid family members 25
- People who have low incomes 25
- People living in deprived areas 26
- People who have low literacy 26
- People living in remote rural and island locations 26
- Specific areas to consider for inclusion health groups 26
- People experiencing homelessness rough sleeping or insecure housing 26
- People involved in the criminal justice system offenders in prison on probation ex-offenders 26
- People with addictions and substance misuse problems 27
- People in other inclusion health groups - including refugee and migrant communities people seeking asylum Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities 27
- Resources on digital exclusion and health inequalities general 28
- NHS Guidance and resources 28
- Section 5 Useful research and resources 28
- Other research and resources on digital and health inequalities 29
- Resources on digital exclusion and inclusion general not specific to health 30
- Resources relevant to protected characteristics 31
- Age 31
- Disability and long-term conditions 31
- Gender reassignment 32
- Marriage and civil partnership 32
- Pregnancy and maternity 32
- Race and ethnicity 33
- Religion and belief 33
- Sex 33
- Sexual orientation 33
- Resources relevant to other groups at greater risk of health inequalities 34
- Looked after and accommodated children and young people 34
- Carers unpaid family members 34
- People on low incomes andor living in areas of deprivation 34
- People who have low literacy 35
- People living in remote rural or island areas 35
- Resources relevant to inclusion health groups 36
- Across inclusion health groups 36
- People experiencing homelessness rough sleeping and insecure housing 36
- People involved in the criminal justice system 36
- People with addictions and substance misuse problems 36
- People who are refugee migrants or seeking asylum 36
- People in Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities 37
- About Good Things Foundation 38