cover image: Copyright © Pooja Vijay Ramamurthi


Copyright © Pooja Vijay Ramamurthi

5 Sep 2024

This facilitating the agenda of donor countries, or whether paper calls for a research agenda to understand the India actively shapes the climate agenda, bringing to motivations for India and its partner countries to the table financial and technical norms, standards, focus on decarbonisation in its triangular agree- and resources? Thus, it is important to study what ments. [...] Finally, the India has been a partner in triangular projects since paper concludes by calling for a research agenda that the 1950s, beginning with road and telecommuni- focuses on understanding the motivations for India cation projects in Nepal with the United States of and its partners to participate in triangular climate America (USA). [...] In the early 2000s, the Indian Coun- cooperation, the sectors and regions the country cil of Medical Research (ICMR) and the German should focus on, and a need for a policy roadmap for Helmholtz Association jointly conducted research India to successfully showcase its climate leadership to combat infectious diseases in African and Asian in triangular partnerships. [...] These aspects of triangu- awareness and limited exposure to evidence of the lar cooperation are well-suited to finding sustainable success of this modality and the lack of dedicated climate solutions, as often countries in geographi- platforms to facilitate cooperation. [...] An example is the Triangular cooperation could provide institutional agreement between the United Nations Economic and advantages compared to traditional mechanisms Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) of technology transfer and knowledge sharing cur- and India of USD 1 million to transfer early warning rently practised in multilateral agencies.
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