Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has waged a wide-reaching, high-volume, multichannel disinformation campaign that seeks to not only undermine Ukrainian resilience but also gird Russian support for the war and deplete international support of Ukraine. In this report, the authors provide an overview of Ukrainian efforts to counter this disinformation war and identify lessons for the United States and allied militaries.
- Division
- RAND National Security Research Division International Security and Defense Policy Program
- Pages
- 96
- Published in
- United States
- RAND Identifier
- RR-A2771-1
- RAND Type
- report
- Rights
- RAND Corporation
- Series
- Research Reports
- Source
Table of Contents
- Ukrainian Resistance to Russian Disinformation 1
- About This Report 3
- RAND National Security Research Division 3
- Acknowledgments 3
- Summary 5
- Contents 9
- Introduction 11
- About This Research 14
- The Ukrainian Counterdisinformation Campaign 17
- Shaping Operations 17
- Support and Maturation of Ukraines Information Space 18
- Banning of Russian Media 20
- Prebunking the False Flag 21
- The Three Theaters of Ukraines Information War 23
- Ukraine 23
- Russia 36
- International 41
- Lessons from the War for Countering Disinformation During Military Contingency Operations 55
- Prepare for Three Theaters of Information War 56
- Build At-Risk Nations Critical Institutions in Advance of and During Conflict 58
- Build At-Risk Nations Institutions in Advance of Conflict 58
- Be Prepared to Build the Capacity of Key Institutions During Conflict 59
- Invest in and Work with Civil Society 60
- Build and Maintain U.S. Institutions Critical to Countering Disinformation 62
- Build and Maintain Trust 64
- Work with and Empower Local Civilian and Military Influencers 66
- Build the Resilience of U.S. Troops 67
- Do Not Allow Coordination to Sacrifice Speed in Responding 69
- Be Prepared to Take Risks 71
- Plan on Resourcing and Implementing Three Critical Tools Debunking Prebunking and Narratives 73
- Debunking 73
- Prebunking 74
- Proactive Narrative Campaigns 77
- Recognize the Risk of Waning Support over Time 78
- Conclusion 79
- Abbreviations 81
- References 83