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Economic security in a turbulent world: Conference summary

5 Sep 2024

Over a geopolitical risk and economic volatility; how is day and a half, the conference brought together rapid technological change defining the economic leading policymakers, business executives and security agenda; and how is a country like Australia independent experts from around the world to positioned to support both energy security and the discuss arguably the defining economic policy green. [...] The tention to push the United States out of its role as the period since China’s entry into the World Trade Or- dominant military power in the Indo-Pacific region; ganization (WTO) in 2001 captures the initial prom- strategies designed to align other countries with ise and ultimate dashing of US hopes regarding the China’s objectives (e.g. [...] The challenge is one of balancing chain dependencies, risks to critical infrastructure different logics in the context of a “paradigm shift” and the risk of the weaponisation of economic which has seen higher governance priority on secu- dependencies. [...] The “promote” pillar aims to build the resilience and competitiveness of the EU’s industrial and technol- ogy base; the “protect” pillar aims to mitigate risks Economic security in a turbulent world: Conference summary 23 Conference dinner panel Fusing security and economic interests: Practitioners’ perspectives At the conference dinner, Dr Michael Green of the foreign investment risks while prese. [...] Microsoft is part of the technology and collaboration National AI Research Resource in the United States, a government-private sector partnership between governments and the designed to make the best AI resources accessible to academics and researchers.
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