cover image: Expanding-the-National-Security-Innovation-Base-How-Australia-and-the-United-States-can-collaborate-to-harness-their-commercial-technology-ecosystems


4 Sep 2024

Leading US of developing asymmetric advantage — the ability DoD officials, including the Director of the Defence to set strength against adversarial weakness — in Innovation Unit have noted the need to be a bet- key technology areas.14 The Ukraine war has only ter partner to the commercial technology sector, increased the urgency of this mission and high- which is leading progress in 11 of the DoD. [...] The Australian Government has rec- related agencies, and constitutes the DoD’s input ognised the need for the Department of Defence into the annual presidential budget request.46 It is and the Australian Public Service more broadly problematic because of its inflexibility and length. [...] Of particular importance Acquisition and procurement is the Defence Innovation and Commercialisation program, which promotes collaboration between In 2020, the Department of Defence launched industry, academia and experts to locate commer- STaR Shots (Science, Technology and Research cialisation pathways.65 The Defence Trailblazers Shots) with the release of the Defence Science and initiative repr. [...] The DoD is one promising technology that could be adopted for the of 5 agencies active in the SBTTR program.104 A US Army.96 Unfortunately, the AVCC fell short due 2023 Atlantic Council report argued that the DoD to a lack of funding from the US Congress which and Congress should broaden the aperture of quickly led to financial and human capital barriers. [...] Department of Defence, “Defence Strategic Review ecosystem is leading progress in technologies 2023,”; Department of Defense, “National Defense critical to modern warfare, see: US Department Strategy 2022 including the 2022 Nuclear Posture of Defense, “Summary of the 2018 National Review and the 2022 Missile Defense Review,” Defense Strategy of the United States of America: Government of the Unite.

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