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Protection Order

2024 | T +64 4 473 3112 (24 hrs) or 0800 188 926 | F + 64 4 499 1510 Level 7 | 10 Brandon Street | PO Box 10 323 | Wellington 6140 | New Zealand Transport Accident Investigation Commission | Safer transport through investigation, learning and influence Order No: MO-2024-205/01 PROTECTION ORDER Issued under section 12 of the Transport Accident Investigation [...] This Order relates to the vessel and all evidence involved (‘the Evidence’): • All electronic data from the vessel, for example: o VDR o Engineroom logs or data capture devices o CCTV o The master’s and chief engineer’s computers • Logbooks • Any other equipment onboard the vessel, for example: o Vessel propulsion systems o Vessel anchor handling systems o Vessel power supply systems [...] To preserve and protect the Evidence, the Commission prohibits any person from altering or otherwise tampering with any of the Evidence. [...] This Order does not apply to persons acting in their capacity as a first responder or under any memorandum of understanding with the Commission. [...] This Order does not apply to the master or any other person from taking any necessary actions to ensure the safety of the vessel, environment and/or persons on board. [...] This Order applies from 1 September 2024 until revoked in writing. [...] It is an offence to not comply with this Order. Signed on 1 September 2024 ……………………………………... [...] Louise Cook Acting Chief Investigator of Accidents
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New Zealand