cover image: Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Educating naturopathic doctors for over 40 years


Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Educating naturopathic doctors for over 40 years

6 Mar 2020

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine Educating naturopathic doctors for over 40 years PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE If you are the type of individual who views the healing of others as a calling, you exhibit a quality that we value in our students. [...] Naturopathic medicine is founded on the principle of We all work together to ensure that CCNM graduates maintaining health through stimulating the body's individuals who are well prepared for their roles as self-healing processes. [...] To address If you choose to become a practising ND, you will be the fundamental causes of disease, to heal the whole person entering a rewarding profession that has a long tradition and through individualized treatment, to teach the principles of is expanding. [...] healthy living and preventative medicine—these are among the principles that underpin the profession. CCNM is focused Are you being called? Do you have the drive and ability that on building the evidence base that will broaden the will allow you to excel in an intensive program of study? If so, acceptance of naturopathic therapies. [...] The faculty have impressive credentials and experience and are strongly committed to teaching others the path to promoting health.
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