cover image: Your Health Unlocked Podcast Episode 51

Your Health Unlocked Podcast Episode 51


0:05:27 - Sheena Franklin Yes, and so. I also like to say it's the same process, the same exact forms that you use when you go to the doctor, right? [...] So I think that's also a point that I will step back and say, like sharing your data in the healthcare space is not new, it's just very different than the commercial side of what we see. [...] 0:06:04 - Adele Scheiber That's great, well, and like that's what I love about that is, the informed consent right. [...] [Adele - Sure.] And this is where you get into the point of you have to go out and collect the data right, so that allows us to generate data. Then we have to figure out how do we collect data, right? [...] 0:07:46 - Adele Scheiber Yeah, I was just going to say that, you know, because you're already getting a selection of people who are downloading the dermatology app, right? [...] You've already kind of spoken to this for K'ept Health, but for, like the, -where you're at now with it,so with having the N=2000 and getting it like, how do you know that data is reliable? [...] You bring someone in and we have our data, and so you kind of start to label it that way. [...] And then we also say, like we're using data to inform policy and research, so we're letting you know this is what we're doingfrom the very beginning. [...] Because, this is going to become the new norm, I believe, in five to ten years. There's going to be more and more companies like yours who have to navigate these channels. So, what are you doing to build that firewall and to avoid conflicts of interest? 0:24:23 - Sheena Franklin Yeah, so, I think a lot of it comes from my background, right? [...] I mean, and just to clarify, you can also find dermatological providers in there, right, like that's part of the app.
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