cover image: Education at a Glance 2024: OECD Indicators


Education at a Glance 2024: OECD Indicators

10 Sep 2024

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The Education at a Glance 2024 report provides a comprehensive overview of education systems worldwide, focusing on equity in education and its relationship with labour market outcomes. The report contains indicators on the human and financial resources invested in education, how education and learning systems operate, and the returns on investment in education. This edition emphasizes disparities within education systems, particularly related to early childhood education, teacher shortages, and the transition from education to the workforce. Key findings include a significant improvement in educational attainment and employment outcomes for young adults, with a decrease in the share of 18-24 year-olds not in employment, education, or training (NEETs) from 16% to 14% since 2016. However, learning outcomes have not improved equally, and there is concern about the persistence of low performance among 15-year-olds in areas like mathematics, reading, and science. Gender disparities remain pronounced, with women outperforming men in education but still facing challenges in the labour market, including lower employment rates and earnings. The report also explores the impact of socio-economic background on education, noting that children from lower-income families are less likely to be enrolled in early childhood education and are at a disadvantage throughout their academic journey. The OECD highlights the need for continued investment in education, particularly in early childhood, and the importance of addressing teacher shortages to promote equity and quality in education systems.



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