Selected Issues
- 9798400288258
- 1934-7685
- Pages
- 49
- Published in
- United States of America
- Series
- Country Report No. 2024/287
- Stock No
- 1BWAEA2024007
Table of Contents
- International Monetary Fund 1
- Washington D.C. 1
- A. Introduction Current Setup and Authorities Reform Plans 4
- B. Context Long-Term Depletion of Fiscal and External Buffers 6
- Fiscal Buffers 7
- External Buffers 8
- C. Main Benefits Expected from a New Sovereign Wealth Fund 8
- D. Calibrating Botswanas Medium-Term Fiscal Targets 9
- E. Proposing a Financing Fund for Botswana 12
- Funding and Withdrawal Mechanisms under a Financing Fund 12
- Link to the New Fiscal Rule 13
- One or Several Funds 14
- F. Risks Associated with More Ad Hoc Inflow-Outflow Models 14
- G. Other Design Considerations 17
- Institutional Setup 17
- SWF Investment Strategy 18
- Governance Transparency Independence and Accountability 19
- Risk to Public Financial Management PFM 19
- Annex I. Consistency of the SWF and the Budget in the Chilean 21
- Norways Fiscal Rule 21
- Norways SWF 21
- Chiles Fiscal Rule 22
- Chiles SWFs 22
- Annex II. Bank of Botswanas Balance Sheet 24
- References 25
- A. Introduction 27
- B. Botswanas Social Protection System Generous but Lacking Effectiveness 32
- A Generous Social Assistance System 33
- A Broad Safety Net Covering a Large Part of the Population.... 34
- .Including Rich Households. 36
- Complex Design and Costly Administration 37
- Limited Effects on Poverty and Inequality 37
- C. Financing Social Protection The Other Side of the Coin 39
- D. Reforms International Experiences and Options for Botswana 40
- Simplifying the Social Protection System 41
- Introducing More Effective Programs 42
- Exploiting New Technologies for Targeting and Delivery 44
- Ensuring Sufficient and Progressive Financing 44
- E. Conclusions 45
- References 47