China’s representation political and economic conditions, companies and influence in international standard-setting cooperate with the government in pushing for organizations are still outweighed by the China’s grand initiatives such as the BRI and the traditional powers of the European Union and DSR. [...] The enterprises’ commercial countries such as Canada, Japan, South Korea, calculation can be inconsistent with and the United States and the European Union in the undermine the implementation of the Chinese first decade of the twenty-first century, China government’s strategies and policy goals in developed its first national plan for standards standard promotion along the DSR. [...] nanotechnology and quantum computing, and China developed its understanding of the the development of big data, cloud computing importance of standards along with its closer and smart cities, as well as the digital economy embrace of the global economy at the beginning in general as components of the DSR (Xi 2017). [...] Huawei as four major tech companies for the new The slogans around developing and promoting infrastructure: Baidu in the area of AI; Alibaba in Chinese innovation and standards would win cloud computing and digital platforms; Tencent Chinese companies’ substantial support from the in industrial networks; and Huawei in 5G, IoT and central government and local governments. [...] In terms of percentage of ownership of 5G SEPs and massive standard setting in these areas, China falls far contribution to 5G standards, and Huawei and behind and basically follows the international ZTE’s leading position in IoT standards and standards set by the European Union and the patents contributed to China’s influence on 5G United States in making its own national standards.
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- Pages
- 39
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- Canada
Table of Contents
- _Hlk72506893 10
- _Hlk72507458 10
- _Hlk72510099 11
- _Hlk72930376 17
- _Hlk72932748 18
- _Hlk73301720 21
- _Hlk73030130 22
- _Hlk73030148 22
- _Hlk73097014 22
- _Hlk73029103 24
- _Hlk73104782 24
- _Hlk72506737 31
- _Hlk73353839 32
- _Hlk72933299 32
- _Hlk75773787 32
- _Hlk72847327 32
- _Hlk72850723 33
- _Hlk72934753 33
- _Hlk79582834 33
- _Hlk73301205 34
- _Hlk72933762 34
- About the Authors 6
- Executive Summary 9
- Introduction: When Standards Meet the DSR 10
- Policies and Strategies for Standards Promotion in the DSR 11
- Strategies for Standard Setting and Promotion 12
- Government Enterprises’ Cooperation in Standards Promotion in the DSR 15
- Chinese Companies’ Investment and Their Impact on 5G and IoT Standard Setting 17
- UHV Transmission Systems and Smart Grids 27
- Evaluation of Chinese Companies’ Impact on Standard Setting in the DSR 28
- Conclusion and Implications 30
- Works Cited 32