cover image: Programme Accelerating development through peaceful nuclear technology: food security and food safety


Programme Accelerating development through peaceful nuclear technology: food security and food safety

1 Jul 2021

That conference, held in Magaliesburg in South Africa, titled In support of Africa's Agenda 2063: pathways forward for expanding peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear technology in Africa, placed the issue of peaceful uses of nuclear technology firmly in the context of the UN SDGs. [...] This virtual dialogue is part of a series of such meetings convened by Wilton Park on behalf of the UK and US Governments, and in partnership with Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP), to assess how peaceful nuclear technology and energy can work in advancing the SDGs in developing states. [...] In partnership with: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United States Department of State, Argonne National Laboratory, and in association with the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and the International Atomic Energy Agency. [...] In partnership with: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United States Department of State, Argonne National Laboratory, and in association with the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation and the International Atomic Energy Agency. [...] Conclusions and next day A brief summary of the highlights of the discussions from the afternoon, and a look forward to the subject matter of the next day.


Ross Armstrong

Published in
United Kingdom