cover image: Report Responsible Behaviours in Space, National Submissions to the


Report Responsible Behaviours in Space, National Submissions to the

18 Mar 2021

Participants felt that the discussion on managing space threats and agreeing on acceptable behaviours should be held at the UN disarmament structures in Geneva and New York and through the UNGA 1st Committee. [...] The UNGA Resolution encourages states to consider existing and potential threats to space systems and to “characterise actions and activities that could be considered responsible, irresponsible or threatening and their potential impact on international security”.3 Responsible behaviours could reduce misunderstandings and miscalculations. [...] The events aimed to increase understanding of the challenges of managing threats to space systems and to provide the opportunity for states to suggest behaviours. [...] Hazards and Risks Associated with Operating in Space and How They Are Addressed: The Role of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space in Vienna 7. [...] A UK skeleton outline of the submission to the UN Secretary-General was distributed as an example of a structure for national submissions (this report broadly follows the framework of the UK submission).


Janine Maer

Published in
United Kingdom