01.2021 ACA Scope and Content Vol. 2%2c Issue


01.2021 ACA Scope and Content Vol. 2%2c Issue

14 Mar 2021

Thank you to Corinne Rogers who has completed two plus terms on the Governance Committee and has been part of their work to help the ACA have online elections and a review of ACA Bylaws. [...] Leah oversaw the successful implementation of the new monthly Scope and Content newsletter and the In the Field blog. [...] The Education Committee will also be meeting soon to identify the workshops that will be associated with the conference, as well as, those that will be offered throughout the year. [...] If you wish to form a new special interest section, please contact Gillian Dunks, Director at Large.   Call for Submissions to the ACA Blog In the Field seeks to become a place where discussions about the scope of archives, archival education, and archival interventions happens. We want to hear from you. Do you want to share a particular initiative that will enlighten the archival world? Highlight. [...] Symons. As has been noted by many in the community, much of his work championed and advocated for the central role of archives in understanding Canada,understanding Canada, including in To Know Ourselves: The Report of the Commission on Canadian Studies (1975, digitized courtesy of the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections).
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