

22 May 2020

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Update on the progress of the ACA's Strategic Plan: Forward Together The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force is up and running! See here for details about the activities of the Task Force and its membership. [...] The Foundation Board of Directors was unanimous in its decision to direct this scholarship towards the Indigenous French community in Canada and to award it to a recipient Application studying in the field of archives or records management. [...] Volunteer with the ACA and ACA Foundation Volunteer with The ACA Foundation is looking for three Directors to serve the ACA for a period of two years. [...] In the Field: The ACA Blog This winter, the Association of Canadian Archivists launched In the Field: The ACA Blog. [...] Advertise | Sponsor Advertise in the Conference Program or Sponsor the ACA 2020 The Conference will attract over 350 individuals working in the archives and information community across Canada, the USA and internationally.
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