cover image: Ready or Not 2024: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism Virtual Congressional Briefing & National Webinar

Ready or Not 2024: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism Virtual Congressional Briefing & National Webinar

30 May 2024

We are really a pleasure to to our federal partners for the investments that are been made recently at the local, state and federal level, but from the perspective of local health department the CDC absolutely must have the authority to not just invest in the sectors but also collect the information so that we can have a coordinated response and share data across a variety of partners that include. [...] I think an example right now with the avian influenza is the need for animal and human health partners, as well as the Department of agriculture, in states and in cities, and counties as well as at the national level, to be able to come together to respond and to be able to share information so that we are all working together in a coordinated effort. [...] But if that report is going to the state, and I do not have real-time access to the back end of the state system, I have to wait until it gets released to me at a legal jurisdiction level, which can… ** Audio issues and break-up ** B optimal to have systems to receive those reports simultaneously as well as to allow us to manipulate the data on the backend. [...] One of the things we are also unable to do because of technology is we cannot do -- sufficient bio analytics… **Audio lost** **Audio restored** So we have to use I for the hospital healthcare system so I think there is an opportunity to both improve and enhance the technology that we give that the local and state level as well as federal because it also has to get to our federal partners. [...] You raised so many important points about the importance of sustained and flexible funding to be able to meet those foundational capabilities and having a workforce to do so for both chronic disease, (indiscernible) of advocates, and I think that some of the emergency legislation which is provided funding into infrastructure is imported, and the challenges we often return to that and we do not see.


Tim Hughes

Published in
United States of America

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