cover image: Climate Council - SEIZE THE DECADE: How we empower Australian communities and cut climate pollution 75% by 2030


Climate Council - SEIZE THE DECADE: How we empower Australian communities and cut climate pollution 75% by 2030

9 Sep 2024

We wish to pay our Director Council of Australia Ltd copyright material so long as you respects to Elders, past and present, and recognise the continuous attribute the Climate Council of Australia Ltd and the authors connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to in the following manner: Seize the Sun: How to supercharge land, sea and sky. [...] › To maximise the benefits of millions more solar systems, we need to roll out › Rooftop solar and storage have a critical role to play in Australia’s shift to 25 gigawatts of battery storage – to unlock the cost savings of solar power clean, reliable energy as our coal-fired power stations continue to close. [...] the Victorian Government offers up to $2,800 The Australian and West Australian in rebates and zero-interest loans to encourage The mandatory inclusion of solar on new and Governments are operating “Sunshine landlords to install rooftop solar (Solar Victoria substantially renovated houses and new apartment Saver”, a community solar bank model for 2024b). [...] To make the most of the electricity generated by millions more solar systems on household and business rooftops by 2030, we need a grid that can: › Maintain stability and resilience so that power is always available when it’s needed; › Provide benefits and returns to households and businesses that invest in solar and batteries; › Share the benefits of abundant, affordable solar power with the whol. [...] For example, the Australian partnering with state and territory governments to rebates (see Opportunity #3) can be used to meet the and state governments could partner with local provide energy efficiency upgrades for up to 30,000 returns on the green bonds, reducing the total cost manufacturers of solar panels and batteries to social housing properties through the Household of delivering this new.
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