Too many of the radical students at the time, and the professors and philosophers whose views affected them, interpreted the physical world through a conceptual superstructure that is established by the rich and powerful so that they can remain rich and powerful.6 These ideas underpinned the cultural application of Marxism in the 1920s and 1930s known as critical theory. [...] Edgar Hoover, the then head of the FBI, called the Black Panthers “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country.… Schooled in the Marxist–Leninist ideology and the teaching of Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-tung, its members have perpetrated numerous assaults on police officers and have engaged in violent confrontations with police throughout the country.”18 Indeed, the Black Pant. [...] By the 1990s, there were “professional associations” of ethnic studies, including the National Council of Black Studies and the National Associa- tion of Chicano Studies, similar to teacher associations, such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Council for the Social Studies.27 By 1993, there were at least 700 ethnic studies programs and departments in postsecondary. [...] Teachers should “understand how the lived experiences of their student population affect the knowledge and attitudes that they bring to the classroom and that students have just as much as educators to bring to the table for mutual learning.”42 The authors of the model curriculum insist that ethnic studies is not divisive and “helps students bridge differences,” yet the content repeatedly emphasiz. [...] Ethnic studies analyzes the ways in which race and racism have been and continue to be social, cultural, and political forces, and the connection of race to the stratification of other groups, including stratification based on the protected classes.55 Consistent with the theoretical descriptions of and sources for ethnic studies provided above, Minnesota’s ethnic studies material focuses on “domin.
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