Our results indicate a gradual decrease in life satisfaction in the years following the undertaking of care duties relative to the year before. [...] The evidence we observe for mental health is weaker, though we observe a decline in mental health score in the year following the undertaking of care duties relative to the year before. [...] Results with the sample including the carers of young children In this subsection, we present the results by including the caregivers of young children with health problems (younger than 15 years-old) in our analysis. [...] HILDA also includes a broad measure of intensity of care, providing information on whether the person is the main caregiver of a resident person or shares the care duty with others. [...] These results show that changes in the outcomes of caregivers of household members are driven by those who take the full responsibility of the person who needs care.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 9
- Published in
- Australia