cover image: Could Wisconsin eliminate its income tax? - States without one turn to unique sources


Could Wisconsin eliminate its income tax? - States without one turn to unique sources

12 Sep 2024

However, ac- Over $11 billion in revenue came from the state’s general cording to the report by the Nevada Resort Association, the sales tax of 7%, which is tied for the second-highest state tax total of all state general fund tax revenue generated by the rate in the nation, while another $3.4 billion came from selec- hotel and casino industry was over $1.9 billion in FY 2022, tive excise taxes. [...] According to the New Hampshire De- to a report from Tourism Economics, $160 million of the state partment of Revenue Administration, these other taxes in- tax revenue was attributable to tourism, or approximately cluded a meals and rentals tax worth $329 million, a real es- 7.6%.23 tate transfer tax revenue of about $213 million, and a Medi- South Dakota is one of the most sales tax-reliant states. [...] The franchise tax is essentially a tax on doing Furthermore, according to an analysis by the Tax Founda- business in the state of Tennessee. [...] It is calculated as a per- tion, South Dakota has the third-largest sales tax breadth, at centage of a business’ net worth, and it generated $1.2 billion 53.9% of personal income.25 The median sales tax breadth in in FY 2021.18 (Until recently, it was a tax on the greater of the U. [...] fact, relies on a combination of sales tax rate hikes and boost- The highest state sales tax in the United States in 2024, ed economic growth projections to make up some of the lost BADGER INSTITUTE POLICY BRIEF 7 according to the Tax Foundation, is 7.25% in California.


Pat McIlheran

Published in
United States of America

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