cover image: Submission on the Inquiry into climate adaptation  climate change is already having widespread

Submission on the Inquiry into climate adaptation climate change is already having widespread

14 Jun 2024

The Commission has a role evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the National Adaptation Plan, and we will be providing our first adaptation monitoring report to the Minister of Climate Change on 2 August 2024. [...] The lack of a clear and coherent national framework for adaptation planning and implementation has significant and wide-ranging flow-on effects. [...] To enable effective local adaptation planning and action, the Commission’s preliminary assessment is that the adaptation framework should set out: a) a clear legislative mandate for adaptation planning and action at the local level. [...] This includes guidance on how to account for local values and risk thresholds to inform adaptation planning, and clarity around the respective roles and responsibilities of regional councils, territorial authorities, private property owners and iwi/Māori in local community adaptation planning processes and implementation. [...] To provide clarity on how adaptation costs will be shared and met, the Commission’s preliminary assessment is that the adaptation framework should clearly set out: a) how the costs of local adaptation planning and implementation will be shared.


Anne Jonathan

Published in
New Zealand

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