cover image: Polish Journal of - Political Science - Volume 5 Issue 3 (2019)


Polish Journal of - Political Science - Volume 5 Issue 3 (2019)

23 Jul 2020

The effect of the research is of major importance for reconstructing the life of Basil and the persons whom he addresses in his letters – among them Eustathius of Sebastea, the famous ascetic of the 4th-century Asia Minor and Basil’s mentor. [...] 3 8 Marta Przyszychowska The sense of the term fatherland (πατρίς) in the writings of Basil of Caesarea is of major importance for reconstruct- ing the life of Basil himself and the persons whom he ad- dresses in his letters – among them Eustathius of Sebastea, the famous ascetic of the 4th-century Asia Minor and Bas- il’s mentor. [...] Fatherland (πατρίς) in the writings of Basil of Caesarea 9 Constantinople (381).3 He treated the friendship with Basil as part of the classical culture he was committed to.4 It seems that the theme of fatherland (πατρίς) was of crucial impor- tance in constructing a literary picture of Basil. [...] I think that Macrina was invented by Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory of Nazianzus in order to create a model of asceticism alternative to the one of Eustathius of Sebastea and Basil.10 The main difference be- tween those two kinds of asceticism did not lie in strict mor- als or in the attitude towards the poor, or in the zealousness in reading the Holy Scriptures and in praying, or in renounc- ing th. [...] Fatherland (πατρίς) in the writings of Basil of Caesarea 11 brothers, and sisters; it is at the same time the story of an aris- tocratic clan fully conscious of its own distinction.”11 Greg- ory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa apparently shared the same idea of the family that was based on absolute loyalty to the parents, siblings and other family members – especial- ly one’s father.
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