cover image: Health & Safety at Work Act 1974


Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

15 Mar 2021

To enable these statutory duties to be carried out, it is the policy of the Organisation so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure that responsibilities for health and safety are assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels of the Organisation; that all practicable steps are taken to manage the health, safety and welfare of all employees; to conduct the business in such a way that the Healt. [...] 3) The Committee will endorse the Health & Safety policy and the HSCM and the Chairperson will sign the Health & Safety Policy Statement along with the Director. [...] In essence, the Director will fulfil the position now commonly known as ‘Director Responsible for Health & Safety’ and shall be responsible for implementing the Management Committee’s plan for Health & Safety 2) The Director will endorse the Health & Safety policy and HSCM and will sign the Health & Safety Policy Statement along with the Chairperson of the Management Committee. [...] 0 HSCM (VERSION 3) DATE: January 2020 Subject Responsibilities – Head of Corporate Services & HR 1) The Head of Corporate Services & HR provides operational support to the Director and discharges many of the day-to-day management tasks required in the running of the organisation. [...] This will involve the identification of Health & Safety concerns within their departments; the raising of pertinent issues for consideration by the Committee and the actioning of all measures identified by the Committee and management staff as being required.


Amanda Blewitt

Published in
United Kingdom