cover image: Addressing global challenges with local solutions to eliminate female genital

Addressing global challenges with local solutions to eliminate female genital

29 Aug 2024

The targeted and systematic A total of 455,701 boys and men were engaged amplification of mass media, news and in activities to promote positive masculinity online web coverage, social media outreach, and equitable gender norms, exceeding the engagements and events hosted in 2023 by the annual target of 440,018 as well as the 2022 programme and partners at the global, regional achievement.14 This. [...] • In 2023, the Joint Programme and its partners produced Engaging Boys and Men to End Female Genital Mutilation, a report with the latest data on the attitudes of boys and men towards FGM, and Promoting Men and Boys Engagement in Ending Female Genital Mutilation, a study focused on boys and men and household decision-making on FGM, sexuality and FGM, and what could be done to engage men more fully. [...] Examples of Joint Programme engagement with regional bodies in 2023 • The Joint Programme was a key stakeholder during the Declaration of the Second International African Union Conference on Female Genital Mutilation21 and the Joint General Comment on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and the African Commission of Human and Peopl. [...] How is the Joint Programme supporting legal efforts to eliminate FGM? • The Joint Programme facilitated the signing of the Declaration of Engagement by the Government of Guinea-Bissau, led by the Ministry of Women, Family and Social Solidarity and organizations for the defense of the rights of girls and women. [...] Promote the use of data and evidence, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation The uptake and use of data and evidence On-the-job practical assistance will be offered in planning and programming should be to regional and national offices who will in strengthened by generating data more frequently turn work with their partners to develop data- and improving access, including through the driven inte.

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United States of America

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