cover image: Handbook on the theoretical  and methodological foundations  of the project


Handbook on the theoretical  and methodological foundations  of the project

5 Dec 2018

Handbook on the theoretical  and methodological foundations  of the project         Leading partner  CES  Type  Report  Dissemination level  PU - Public   Work package  WP1  Deliverable  D1.2  Due date  November 2018  Version  01        Project   Healthy  corridor  as  drivers  of  social  housing  neighbourhoods  for  the  co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS   Acronym  . [...] Hunt                2      Institutional presentation 7  Introduction to handbook 9  More than green: the path for urban regeneration through active citizenship 9  Behind the handbook: the trajectory of a collaborative work 12  CHAPTER 1 | CITIZENS ENGAGEMENT 13  Introduction - People-centred: participat. [...] Coimbra, Portugal: Almedina.        16    1. [...]           17    1.1. [...]   London, England: Earthscan.          5 Stakeholder is used in the sense of any organization, group or person interested in a project or having the  ability to influence it.  33    2.1.
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