cover image: C19RM Health Product Segmentation Framework - Date created: Date updated - Product Use


C19RM Health Product Segmentation Framework - Date created: Date updated - Product Use

25 Jun 2021

The C19RM Health Product Segmentation Framework classifies health products eligible for funding through C19RM based on the following considerations: - Product use, whether “optimal” or “limited use/specialized”; - Recommended procurement channel; and - Whether reportable through the C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template. [...] Product Use The product use classification reflected within this framework is aligned with the C19RM Fast-track and Full Funding Request options designated within the funding request application guidance and templates. [...] For strategic products, as described in Section 2 of the Guide to Global Fund Policies on the Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products,1 countries may be required to use PPM/ for as long as the supply dynamics and constraints remain as described above. [...] Reportable through the C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template For Strategic and Mainstream Health Products outside of the PPM/ procurement channel and Local Sourcing Advised Health Products with Enhanced Reporting, transaction-level data is needed at product level for key procurement and supply chain milestones, as described in the COVID-19 Response Mechanism Guidelines (see Sectio. [...] The tables below, by product category and COVID-19 intervention, provide the classification of eligible health products for C19RM by product use, procurement channel categories and whether reportable through the C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template for procurement outside of PPM/
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