cover image: Excerpt from D2.3 On the Establishment of URBiNAT’s Community of Practice (CoP)


Excerpt from D2.3 On the Establishment of URBiNAT’s Community of Practice (CoP)

28 Sep 2020

The purpose is to achieve common, ongoing understanding of the goals, priorities for the project and especially to coordinate the process of citizen engagement, from the initial stage of co-diagnostic via co-design to co-implementation and co-monitoring. [...] At any rate, such changes inevitably impact on the 2nd – inside-cities circle of the CoP, and also on its interlinkages with the other levels of the CoP, although the nature of the impact may lead in varying directions. [...] 3.2.5 The wider circle The wider circle of stakeholders and interested parties that make up the URBiNAT CoP includes the growing number of national and international networks with a focus on urban transformation using NBS, along with relevant services of the European Commission, the media, academia, the private sector and the public at large. [...] Horizontal partners with expertise in promoting co- creation by citizens, co-design workshops and the running of Living labs have successfully engaged with city administrations and neighbourhood associations, and involved scores of citizens in the early stages of co-selection and design of NBS and plans for the Healthy corridor. [...] They greatly contributed to broad-based understanding of the project and what it aims for, paving the way for co-diagnostic and the commitment of all main actors to the ensuing agenda in Khorramabad.6 Under the URBiNAT umbrella, the continued activities need to maintain a well-connected team, with the workshop architects and instructors remaining on board and active.


Emma Björner

Published in
