cover image: Activity report for the Validation meeting for the reviewed NFA Guidelines for Land Allocation


Activity report for the Validation meeting for the reviewed NFA Guidelines for Land Allocation

27 Jan 2021

The meeting targeted participation from renewable energy CSOs and Networks, private sector, MDAs, Local Governments, private consultants in ENR, Academia, & Development Partners, The overall purpose of the meeting was to validate the reviewed land allocation guidelines for private tree planting in the central forest reserves, 1.2 Background The Energy sector is dominated by biomass that contribute. [...] Over 95% of the population especially in the rural areas depend on firewood for domestic .nrrgy, The influx of about 1.4 million refugees to Uganda further increases the demand on biomass energy, This is against inadequate supply of biomass coupled with unsustainable production will still be a major source of energy given the increasing demands for energy by the growing population (Environmental A. [...] 1,3 Purpose of the meeting The overall purpose of the meeting was to validate the reviewed land allocation guidelines for private tree planting in the central forest reserves, Chapter Two: Methodology, outputs and proceedings of the meeting, 2.1 Methods/approaches used The meeting was conducted via zoom platforms, Power point presentations were used during the meeting, Participatory and interactiv. [...] l' How do we address the illegality on the market that would disadvantage the legal biomass growers? ll, What is the time for the execution of the guidelines? lll' Add the principle that give priority to large consumers as an incentive for ensuring efficient Investment. [...] Include the principle of efficiency V' ESSF should be used to address some of Vl, the challenges that NFA has been facingHow do we address the issues of economics vll' in respeit to wood for biomass energy?How will you address the capacity (training, land mgt) of those acquiring land in respect to biomass growing? Vlll' How do you address Environmental risks lX' associated with land allocation?How.
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