cover image: COVID-19 Response Mechanism Information Note  - Considerations for Global Fund Support to the COVID-19 Response,


COVID-19 Response Mechanism Information Note - Considerations for Global Fund Support to the COVID-19 Response,

29 Jun 2021

Infection prevention and control, and protection of the health workforce (Pillar 6) is a priority area that includes identifying and managing patients infected with COVID-19 to prevent the transmission of the virus to and among health workers, visitors, caregivers and the wider community. [...] For TB, activities include interventions and innovations that should be prioritized to restore and accelerate TB services, adapting TB Programming to the context of COVID-19 (by integrating these services within the wider health system for instance, and using digital technologies to support TB diagnosis, treatment and prevention), and activities sustaining commitment and resources to end TB. [...] CCMs and country stakeholders are encouraged to engage national COVID-19 response committees as soon as possible to define current gaps, needs and priorities to be addressed in the requests, and should engage all relevant technical and donor partners and civil society and communities in monitoring and oversight of implementation. [...] Interventions to address the long-term sequelae of TB and COVID-19 and activities to address community (population) fear of both COVID-19 and TB and to address the associated stigma and discrimination. [...] costing of services and implementation arrangements; analysis of the legal and policy context, tendering and selection processes, and monitoring of implementation); • Capacity building to develop and undertake campaigns, advocacy and lobbying, for improved availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of services and social accountability; • Capacity building to develop and implement advo.
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