cover image: Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2016-2017 - University of California, Santa Barbara


Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2016-2017 - University of California, Santa Barbara

1 Dec 2017

To fill the gap, this SNAPP Working Group will: 1) increase the coverage of the global fish stock status and management databases and identify major information gaps; 2) provide an evaluation of the status of fish stocks and fisheries for as much of the world as possible; and 3) conduct a systematic analysis linking management and exogenous factors leading to good outcomes in fisheries management. [...] The Ocean Tipping Points project is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the State of California. [...] Understanding changes in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem: Analysis of Past Dynamics to Improve Prediction of Future Response to Natural and Anthropogenic Change Leader: Okey, Thomas Co-leaders: Ruzicka, James; Klinger, Teresa How will the structure, the productivity, and the dynamics of the coastal Gulf of Alaska ecosystem respond to anticipated changes in environmental conditions and human d. [...] Collaborative data management and holistic synthesis of impacts and recovery status associated with the Exxon Valdez oil spill Leader: Jones, Matthew Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989, the oil-impacted areas of the Gulf of Alaska have been extensively monitored to examine impacts of the spill on the ecosystem and to assess and promote recovery of impacted species. [...] The 25 years of historical data NCEAS has collated and documented is available for use by a wide array of technical and non-technical users In March 2014, NCEAS issued a Call for Proposals for two cross-cutting synthesis Working Groups and two Postdoctoral Associates to do a full-systems analysis of the effects of the 1989 oil spill on Prince William Sound and the state of recovery of the affected.
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