cover image: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Applicant Webinar

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Applicant Webinar

11 Jun 2021

– Explain/justify the estimated costs including the unit cost and quantity requested – Explain how the costs associated with each line item supports the implementation of the project as outlined in the proposal • Narratives should be written in such a way that someone not familiar with the project can conceptually understand the rationale, purpose and calculation of the anticipated costs identifie. [...] • Enter a description of the work to be completed by each position budgeted for and how the work of each position will support the purpose and goals of the overall project. [...] • Specify the purpose and destination for the travel item, unite typ, and the quantity of units requested. [...] • Briefly describe the purpose of the travel and the assumptions used in estimating the costs of all travel that the applicant is paying for directly. [...] • Enter a brief description of each budgeted cost item explaining the need for each item, how it will further the objectives of the project, and how the cost estimation was determined.


Emily Christenson

Published in
United States of America