cover image: HIV and Aging: Reconsidering the Approach to Management of Co-Morbidities


HIV and Aging: Reconsidering the Approach to Management of Co-Morbidities

12 Aug 2019

The accumulating burden of medical and psychiatric multi-morbidities of people with HIV20 contributes to impairments in physical, social and mental health function, and higher levels of stress and depression21–23. [...] Considerations in Co-Morbidity Screening and Management of Older Adults with HIV The HIV Primary Care guidelines38 provide recommendations for routine screening and preventive care in people with HIV, much of which applies to older adults with HIV. [...] Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Erlandson and Karris Page 4 How does the Busy HIV Provider Manage and Prioritize the Care of Older Adults with HIV? The care for people with HIV is often provided within the context of prioritizing goals unique to HIV infection (ART adherence and toxicity)75. [...] Health Resources and Services Administration and Ryan White, and treatment guidelines should emphasize the importance of these factors in the long-term care of all people with HIV. [...] Successful and sustainable implementation of novel approaches to care will also require support at both the local and national levels of health care administrators and health insurance providers, and will likely depend on changes to the standards of care used to measure the quality of HIV clinics by the U.
hiv, aging, frailty, comprehensive geriatric assessment, polypharmacy, multimorb


Kristine M. Erlandson, Maile Y. Karris

Published in
United States of America