cover image: The cost of outlawing fossil fuel heat in Wisconsin


The cost of outlawing fossil fuel heat in Wisconsin

30 Apr 2024

The size of the back- pump (3 degrees F).15 This means that the primary results up needed depends on the size of the heat pump and the lo- 16 for Milwaukee will not include the purchase of a backup cal weather data. [...] For the traditional natural gas furnace, we model unit size At least in terms of the initial cost, the heat pump is fa- to run half of the time during the coldest hour, and we as- vorable relative to a traditional gas furnace in the state, and sume during the warmest heating hour (60 degrees F) the across all areas covered by the data. [...] The duration that the unit runs kee, where the model suggests that a backup is not neces- for each of the temperatures between the coldest and warm- sary, and in other parts of the state where the heat pump est is a linear function connecting these endpoints. [...] The magnitude of the differ- There is not an equivalency between raising and lowering ence for this sensitivity analysis is similar across the six are- the discount rate, as lowering the discount rate by the same as of the state we examine, with slightly more savings in amount to 3% raises the NPV cost by more than raising the Superior, Green Bay and Eau Claire and slightly less in Mil- rate to 7%. [...] The reason for The price per square foot of housing only enters estimates this is because the square footage parameter feeds into both for the housing model, and the heat pump model is based the NPV model (the need to heat a different sized structure) only on the size of home, so changing the price per square and the housing market model directly through its effect on foot input will not change th.


Pat McIlheran

Published in
United States of America

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