cover image: The Capital Markets Union – an extra feather to the EMU- Are Capital Markets Important for Monetary Policy?


The Capital Markets Union – an extra feather to the EMU- Are Capital Markets Important for Monetary Policy?

24 Sep 2024

The first 10 years of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) have been marked by minimalistic progress. The unfinished nature of the CMU has direct relevance for the ECB by affecting financing conditions in Member States and eroding the risk-sharing ability of the EMU, imposing a higher burden on the ECB to act as “the only game in town”. It has even bigger implications for the long-term investment opportunities and economic performance of the EU. This calls for a renewed approach and narrative on the CMU to gather political support to move forward. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 30 September 2024
economics and monetary issues financial and banking issues eu member states



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