cover image: Community Safety Realized: Public Health Pathways to Preventing Violence


Community Safety Realized: Public Health Pathways to Preventing Violence

20 May 2021

features Informed by the science and practice of public The defining features of a public health approach to health and driven by the values of equity and jus- community safety include: tice, Community Safety Realized: Public Health Pathways to Preventing Violence, describes E Truth, racial healing, and transformation: To community-driven, multi-sector approaches create a foundation for healing an. [...] As and low educational achievement.7 As risk factors protective factors increase, the likelihood of violence mount, the likelihood of violence increases, and too decreases, and safety and healing can be realized. [...] These by the defining features and core elements of a systems and institutions help create equitable public health approach, a community can assess access to protective conditions at the commu- the forms and levels of violence that are occur- nity and neighborhood levels, like safe parks and ring, identify the underlying risk and protective access to early childhood education, which can factors, a. [...] Community safety plans can be associated with violence, and produce economic evaluated and adapted over time to ensure a steady benefits that exceed implementation costs.15 and sustained decline in violence and increase in E safety and healing. [...] BCHC members invite • Describe and explain the ways in which drivers, communities, other local government agencies, systems, and factors can influence the likelihood and other sectors to engage in reflection and that violence will occur in communities and what discussion, build shared vision and values, and it takes to realize safety and healing.
Published in
United States of America
