cover image: Western Balkans 6 - Country Climate Development Report : Adapting to a Changing Climate - The Case for Urgent Action : Background Note (English)


Western Balkans 6 - Country Climate Development Report : Adapting to a Changing Climate - The Case for Urgent Action : Background Note (English)

26 Sep 2024

The six Western Balkans countries (WB6) are already highly exposed to multiple natural hazards; in a changing climate, the costs of inaction will be high. The incidence and intensity of shocks, unpredictable extreme events and of slow-onset stressors, are expected to increase. Wildfire, drought, extreme heat, landslide, and flash floods hazard will worsen, and financial exposure to all hazards is expected to grow. Worse still, these climate hazards will continue to occur simultaneously, resulting in compounding overall risk and risks cascading across sectors and regions. As highlighted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate change impacts and risks are becoming increasingly complex and more difficult to manage. Multiple climate hazards will occur simultaneously, and multiple climatic and non-climatic risks will interact, resulting in compounding overall risk and risks that will cascade across sectors and regions. Some responses to climate change result in new impacts and risks. Impacts are also very localized, interacting with and exacerbating underlying vulnerabilities and often disproportionately affecting people who are poor and vulnerable; this topic is explored in detail under the People and Places Deep Dive in the Regional CCDR.
climate change climate finance disaster risk management energy access urban development climate change adaptation climate change mitigation social protection europe and central asia economic policy job creation financial institutions green growth skills development social safety nets transport economics private sector development social development and protection western balkans jobs financial sector development transport governance energy and extractives urban and rural development south eastern europe and balkans human development and gender other public administration urban transport policy and planning flood and drought risk management labor market policy and programs climate change adaptation finance active labor market programs transport and sustainable development transport impact on the environment environmental policies and institutions energy access policy and regulations transport and climate change low-emissions transport economic growth and planning environment and natural resource management macroeconomic & structural policy modelling


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Western Balkans 6 - Country Climate Development Report : Adapting to a Changing Climate - The Case for Urgent Action : Background Note
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7B-Western Balkans Six - Regional Countries Climate And Developmen -- P179205
Unit Owning
ECA Regional Director (SCADR)
Version Type
Volume No

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