Hunting and fishing license One-third of wildlife species are at risk for sales provide critical funding to state wildlife agencies to extinction, yet wildlife agencies typically conserve hundreds of species, yet there are thousands only spend around 10% of their budget on of species within states and many are in greater need of conserving species that are not hunted or conservation efforts. [...] (Science Direct) Define Wildlife Broadly: Expand the definition of wildlife to Wildlife agencies allocate at least 60% of their include all members of the animal kingdom (Maine), insects funding to managing hunting and fishing, such as pollinators (Minnesota), and plants (California). [...] Meanwhile, participation Maryland HB 0345 (2024): Modifies the definition of wildlife in other forms of outdoor recreation that to include every living non-human creature endowed with involve wildlife (e.g., wildlife watching, hiking, sensation and power of voluntary motion. [...] 2570 (Introduced 2023): Expands walk- Strengthening State wildlife Agencies in access program to support access “for bird-watching, nature photography, and similar compatible uses.” Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies: Fish and Wildlife Agency Relevancy Roadmap Adhere to Public Trust Doctrine (PTD): PTD declares the New York Times: Are Butterflies Wildlife? government has a duty to protect. [...] 486 (Introducd 2023): Declares state NCEL: State Wildlife Commission policy is to provide conservation and management of Appointments and Governance wildlife as public trust resource with intrinsic, ecological value, and for the benefit, use, food supply and nonconsumptive enjoyment of all.
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