cover image: Bringing More Teens Home - Raising the Age Without Expanding Secure Confinement


Bringing More Teens Home - Raising the Age Without Expanding Secure Confinement

24 Jun 2021

arrests of 17 year olds making up a majority of low-level The long-term declines in youth offending and arrests charges (similar to younger youth), and a significant assume much of the credit for the decline in expected decline in the use of secure placement in this century— expenditures. [...] Out of home placements fell 38% from 630 to necessary to open and operate the facility; it opened a 392 during the same timeframe.43 During the first year year later.53 Since 2018, the population of youth in of implementation of raising the age, the number of committed facilities has decreased,54 nearly 20%, despite youth in placement grew by 12 youth.44 full implementation of RTA.55 New Hampshire. [...] Furthermore, the legislature passed HB 1242 in 2021, clarifying that the “juvenile justice After the first year of raising the age in North Carolina, preservation funds” created in the original raise the age the JJAC reported that there was only a 38 percent bill are explicitly to be used to expand juvenile court increase in the number of youth referred to the system, jurisdiction to include 17 ye. [...] However, the number of youth and making other improvements to the juvenile justice pending adult transfer was slightly higher than predicted, system.85 with nearly 250 youth charged as adults.78 The bill also created a “Raise the Age Fund” within the The costs in the state to implement these changes were State Treasury, requiring the State Court Administrative estimated to be $47.6m in year one, $. [...] A better estimate of the impact of RTA laws on youth of color requires both the number of arrests, the level of offense, and the outcome of the case (diversion, probation, incarceration, etc).
Published in
United States of America
