cover image: APPENDIX A - DATA CONSTRUCTION This section provides inormation on


APPENDIX A - DATA CONSTRUCTION This section provides inormation on

27 Sep 2024

Overview o the bank transaction data The data is a collection o Australians’ bank transactions generated rom the application or credit. [...] For each descriptor, I assess the result returned by the API based on the ollowing criteria: I For store descriptors where the location was ailed to be categorised, was this because the description did not contain any geographic in ormation at all? II Was it possible to assign a physical store based on the in ormation in the store descriptor? III Is this store descriptor consistent with more tha. [...] The brand level market share, mb, is then calculated as the sum o store level market shares ms, or all stores o the same brand in the local market. [...] There ore, the consequences or market power rom the presence o multiple stores is recognised by the brand’s total market share.23 HHI is then calculated using Equation (3): ∑ (3) HHI = m2b where L is the set o brands operating in the local market. [...] The presence o multiple stores o the same brand within a local market increases the inequality o sales between brands, infating the market power o Coles and Woolworths.
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