cover image: Energy Insights 2024

Energy Insights 2024

16 Aug 2024

Understanding the depth of these challenges, and the opportunities they present, is at the core of materials transitions and requires research that spans the periodic table, covering the elements, minerals, and materials key to modern economies. [...] As of 2023, the world’s most economically advanced nations, the countries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), accounted for 37.1% of global energy use and 17.1% of global population, while the rest of the world, the non-OECD, accounted for 62.9% of global energy use and 82.9% of global population, many of whom are severely underserved.1 Altogether, this reflects a s. [...] Given the prevalence of predictions that a peak in demand for hydrocarbon fuels is eminent, it is critical to understand the factors that will influence the production, distribution, and use of both crude oil and natural gas, and any residual impacts of such changes to the global energy system. [...] Thus, the question remains: How well are the intrastate gas and power networks working together today? Expansion of Renewables and Congestion on Transmission Lines Texas now leads the rest of the country in the installed capacity of both wind and solar power generation. [...] Researchers at the CES have examined these issues in detail and offer numerous recommendations for improving grid reliability in Texas; for example, see Hartley, Medlock, and Hung, “ERCOT and the Future of Electric Reliability in Texas.” 2 0 | C E N T E R F O R E N E R G Y S T U D I E S E N E R G Y I N S I G H T S C E N T E R F O R E N E R G Y S T U D I E S E N E R G Y I N S I G H T S | 2 1 E N E.

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