The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, or the Federal Reserve System. [...] On the other hand, to export EAR99 items, the end-user must provide a statement with an agreement to comply with EAR and a declaration about 9 the end-use for the item.2 From the point of view of a U. [...] If the addition to the UVL is due to the interference of the foreign government, a second 60-day clock starts after the listing. [...] For each entity, we collect the many aliases that are often provided, the dates in which the notices of addition and removal are announced, the dates in which they become effective (usually 5 calendar days after the announcement), and the physical addresses of the entities and their aliases. [...] While there is no evidence of abnormal returns in the 10 days preceding the event, the market seem to quickly incorporate the negative news for the affected suppliers once the inclusion of the targeted entities in the BIS lists is announced.10 Most of the decline in CAR 10The significant negative CAR happens at the post-announcement period.
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- Pages
- 59
- Published in
- United States of America
Table of Contents
- Introduction -1
- Background -1
- Export Administration Regulations -1
- Entity List Case Studies -1
- Data -1
- Empirical Strategy and Results -1
- Decoupling and Supply Chain Dynamics -1
- Export Controls and Negative Abnormal Returns -1
- Real Collateral Damage -1
- Chinese Response to U.S. Export Controls -1
- Conclusion -1
- Variable Definitions -1
- Additional Results -1