cover image: ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing

ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing

30 Sep 2024

Under a “level” tax system, where the service flow from housing is taxed while costs of acquiring those services are tax deductible, the after-tax user cost per dollar of housing services is simply i` τp ` δ, where i is the mortgage interest rate, τp is the property tax rate and δ is the cost of depreciation and maintenance.2 But the fact that the service flow from owner-occupied housing is not ta. [...] The consensus finding is that the price elasticity of demand for owner-occupied housing is about 0.5 to 1.0, and that elimination of tax preferences would reduce the ownership rate by about 4 points, from the roughly 64% that prevailed in the US for most of the post-war period to about 60%. [...] So the year t capital gain/loss on an investment property is the increase/decrease in value from the prior year, as indicated in equation (21).13 Selling costs are a deduction in the year the house is sold, and buying costs a deduction the year it is bought. [...] At the start of annual period t, the state space of a household can be written: X o ot ” tHtpjt´1q,Mt´1, H j k k tp t´1q,Mt´1, St, Edu, µ,Kt, Ytu (31) The first state variable is the value, at the start of period t, of the owner-occupied house of size jot´1 that the household occupied at the end of period t ´ 1. [...] The choice set may be written dt “ tjot , jkt , jrt , Ctu where the first argument is the size of the house owned, the second argument is the size of the investment property owned, the third argument is the size of house that one rents, and the fourth argument is discrete consumption.

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