As for the home range 1989) and the minimum convex polygon (MCP) analysis, we also calculated daily distance transited method (Worton 1987) to make our results compa- and distance from nest for the three separate phases rable to the majority of literature on Northern of the breeding season (incubation, nestling, post- Goshawk home range (e.g., Boal et al. [...] All PACs (designated to consist of the best and 10 locations, and ending when the goshawk available 81 ha of goshawk habitat surrounding returned to within 5 km of the nest (Blakey et al. [...] We analyzed the PAC that contained the nest, or the previous overlap between PACs and goshawk habitat use season’s nest for birds during the nonbreeding using roost locations and daytime space use (inten- season, and ‘‘all PACs,’’ as PACs or sections of PACs, sity of use during the daytime) based on methods overlapped by the MCP home range. [...] Panels (a) and (b) illustrate the same three adjacent territories in the western part of the study area, showing overlap of home ranges [calculated by two methods: (a) MCP; (b) KD] for all individuals in those territories from 2015–2018: one male and two females (separate seasons) for the northernmost (orange) territory, one pair in the center (blue) territory, and one pair in the southernmost (gr. [...] In the same season, the movement traces show the male passing through the home range of another female nesting in the adjacent territory in 2017 (brown polygon to the west, yellow star denotes nest).
- Pages
- 14
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- United States of America