cover image: Participatory science and directed survey methods: A case study with odontocetes in the Maui Nui region of the Hawaiian Islands


Participatory science and directed survey methods: A case study with odontocetes in the Maui Nui region of the Hawaiian Islands

30 Jan 2020

The specific test, either a parametric Student’s t-test or purpose of the community sighting project and the ecological a non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test, was determined importance of odontocetes were explained and discussed with on the basis of the normality of the data visually assessed via the crew. [...] The protocol asked for several key pieces of information RESULTS whenever a delphinid group was sighted in the Maui Nui Thirty vessels were approached during the two-week region, including: (1) the date, the time of day and the GPS solicitation period in early June 2015, and by the end of coordinates of the vessel; and (2) an identification of the the project in November 2015, 37 observers represe. [...] This similarity provides support during the beginning of the project and peaked a month after for the participatory science approach as well as the results its start date; reported sightings steadily decreased over the from the directed approach relative to bathymetry, at least in course of the project. [...] The middle line in each box represents the median, the box designates Q1 and Q3, and the ends of the whiskers mark the minimum and maximum values within the ‘1.5 rule’. [...] viewing conditions and in areas used extensively by the Many of the sightings of spinner dolphins between Maui and species of interest, provided the species are relatively easy Lāna‘i in the ‘Au‘au Channel (Fig.


Ellen Matthews

Published in
United States of America