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6 May 2021

Weaned pups were the most million people and experiences high levels of frequently affected (64% of cases) with a much commercial shipping, recreational boating, higher rate of propeller strikes than expected for whale watching, and sport, commercial, and the age class. [...] The fact that only occurrence of propeller strike cases (con- 10% (n¼3) of cases in this study were firmed, probable, and suspect), increased accompanied by an eyewitness report suggests significantly over the course of this study that propeller strike is underreported, possibly (z¼2.793, P¼0.005) with the highest number because of fear of prosecution, uncertainty as of cases (n¼5) documented in 2. [...] We also found that subadult and adult clusters: one of nine strandings in the inner- seals with propeller strike injuries were more island shorelines of SJC (P¼0.03), and another likely to have underlying or preexisting of three strandings at Owen’s Beach in SPS conditions that predisposed the animal to (P¼0.002) (Fig. [...] We were The increase in annual observed propeller unable to determine blunt force trauma strike cases that we noted occurred over a mortality in this retrospective review, but period of stable response effort and stranding marine mammals are also known to be hit by frequency and in a harbor seal population at boat hulls as well as the lower unit of equilibrium (Ashley et al. [...] relationship between the size of the animals The unknown extent of vessel-induced blunt affected and the lesions noted, it is likely that trauma in pinnipeds further emphasizes the most of our cases were the result of smaller need for expanded boat traffic data and recreational vessels as opposed to larger ships continued monitoring of stranded pinnipeds typically associated with lethal cetacean s.
Published in
United States of America
