

24 May 2021

At the beginning of each period, the order of events is as follows: • installation W orders; • the period delivery from the outside supplier S arrives at W; • installation R orders from installation W; • the period delivery from installation W arrives at installation R; • the stochastic customer demand at installation R is realised; • evaluation of holding and shortage costs. [...] S = S # the order-up-to-position self.w = warehouse # the warehouse self.r = retailer # the retailer self.des = des # the Discrete Event Simulation engine self.priority = 1 # denotes a medium priority def end(self): Q = self. [...] S = S # the order-up-to-position self.w = warehouse # the warehouse self.r = retailer # the retailer self.des = des # the Discrete Event Simulation engine self.priority = 2 # denotes a medium priority def end(self): Q = self. [...] _ represents the on hand stock at W sufficient?simulate 111 S r stop no backorder at W order up to position for the retailer, and S_w represents the order yes up to position for the warehouse, N is the number of periods to be event procedure simulated. [...] The echelon stock inventory position is the installation stock inventory position plus the sum of the installation inventory posi- tions at all downstream installations.


Roberto Rossi

Published in
United Kingdom